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264 views | 1 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Aug 25, 2021 Misinformation
Disinformation is false information that is deliberately misleading, false, or biased. It may also contain manipulated narrative, facts, or propaganda. So, disinformation is knowingly spreading wrong information with intent to mislead.
Misinformation is unwittingly spreading false information around; you didn’t mean to, or even might have thought the information was true. Misinformation doesn’t care about intent, and so is simply a term for any kind of wrong or false information.
When distinguishing between misinformation and disinformation, there is one very important word: intent. Although both words refer to types of wrong or false information, only disinformation is wrong on purpose.
For more on intent Using your BRAIN to evaluate information/intent.